Within the Assembly module, you can use the Partition toolset to partition the assembly into additional regions. You can use vertices, edges, and faces from one part instance to create a partition that divides a second part instance; for example, you might use the Extend Face method to partition a cell by extending a face of one part instance into a second part instance. Partitions cannot span part instances.
A partition in the assembly appears in every module that operates on the assembly. Partitions you create in the Part module are transferred along with the rest of the part's geometry when you create a part instance in the Assembly module. Partitions are features of the assembly, and they are regenerated along with the rest of the assembly. You cannot turn off the display of partitions. Partitions modify the geometry of a part instance; as a result, you cannot partition a dependent part instance.
The Partition toolset is not supported and cannot be used with model instances.