12.17.2 Creating and editing data sets for calibration

You can import material data from text (.txt) files and customize these data in a data table. You can also specify quantity types to describe the data, such as stress and strain or force and displacement.

To define a data set for calibration:

  1. From the Model Tree, expand Calibrations and double-click Data Sets.

    The Create Data Set dialog box appears.

  2. To import a data set from a file, do the following:

    1. Click Import Data Set.

      The Read Data From Text File dialog box appears.

    2. Navigate to the file you want to import. For more information about file selection, see Using file selection dialog boxes, Section 3.2.10.

    3. If the data in your imported file are delimited by a character other than spaces, tabs, or commas, toggle on other and enter the delimiting character in the Delimiter field.

    4. From the Data Set Type options, select the pairing of output variables that describes your imported data. The default type is Stress/Strain.

    5. If desired, specify the numbers of the fields from which Abaqus/CAE should import data. By default, Abaqus/CAE reads data from the first and second fields in the data set.

    6. If desired, specify a Data Set Form of True to import the material data in true form. By default, material data from text files are imported in nominal (or engineering) form.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the imported data and the selected quantity types in the table in the dialog box.

  3. If desired, customize the data displayed in the table by adding, deleting, or modifying rows. For more information about tabular data entry, see Entering tabular data, Section 3.2.7.

  4. Click OK to create the new data set and to close the Create Data Set dialog box.

    Abaqus/CAE displays the new data set in the Data Sets container in the Model Tree and plots the data in the viewport.