You can use the Special menu in the Property module to define the following engineering features:
Skin. A skin reinforcement defines a skin that is bonded to the surface of an existing part and specifies its engineering properties. For more information, see Chapter 36, “Skin and stringer reinforcements.”
Inertia. You can define lumped mass, rotary inertia, and heat capacitance at a point on a part. You can also define mass and inertia proportional damping. In an Abaqus/Standard analysis, you can define composite damping. For more information, see Chapter 33, “Inertia.”
Springs/Dashpots. You can define springs and dashpots that exhibit the same linear behavior independent of field variables. You can also define both spring and dashpot behavior on the same set of points. In an Abaqus/Explicit or an Abaqus/Standard analysis, you can model springs and dashpots that connect two points, following the line of action between the two points. In an Abaqus/Standard analysis, you can also model springs and dashpots that connect two points, acting in a fixed direction, or that connect points to ground. For more information, see Chapter 37, “Springs and dashpots.”