11.25 Using the Edit Feature dialog box

When you first select a feature to edit, the Edit Feature dialog box appears.

This section describes the options in the Edit Feature dialog box; the available options depend on the feature selected. You use the Edit Feature dialog box to change the following:


Use the Depth parameter to change the depth of a blind extruded feature. Type a new value for the extrusion depth, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. You cannot change the manner in which the extrusion distance was defined when the feature was first created; for example, from Blind to Up to Face. For more information, see Defining the extrusion distance, Section 11.13.1.


Use the Radius parameter to change the radius of a round/fillet feature. Type a new value for the fillet radius, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. For more information, see Rounding edges, Section 11.27.1, and Rounding vertices in a wire, Section 11.23.3.

Flip extrude direction

Toggle Flip extrude direction to change the extrusion direction of the selected feature. Click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. This option is available only for extruded features added to a base feature. For more information, see Controlling the direction of an extruded feature, Section 11.13.2.

Keep internal boundaries

Toggle Keep internal boundaries to maintain any faces or edges that are generated between the feature and the existing part. The internal boundaries may create regions that can be structured or swept meshed without having to resort to partitioning. This option is available only for extruded, revolved, and loft solid and shell features added to a base feature.

Draft angle

Use the Draft angle parameter to change the draft of an extruded feature. Type a new value for the draft angle, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. A draft angle of zero will create a straight extrusion. You cannot add draft to an extrusion if it was not defined when the feature was created. For more information, see Including draft in an extrusion, Section 11.13.4.


Use the Pitch parameter to change the twist of an extruded feature or the pitch of a revolved feature. Type a new value for the pitch, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. You cannot add pitch to a feature if it was not defined when the feature was created.

In an extruded feature the pitch defines the extrusion distance in which the profile would be twisted by 360°. For more information, see Including twist in an extrusion, Section 11.13.3. Similarly, in a revolved feature the pitch is the distance through which the profile would be translated during a rotation of 360°. For more information, see Defining the axis of revolution for axisymmetric parts and for revolved features, Section 11.13.5.


Use the Angle parameter to change the angle of revolution of a revolved feature. Type a new value, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport.

Flip revolve direction

Toggle Flip revolve direction to reverse the direction of revolution of a revolved feature. Click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. For more information, see Controlling the direction of a revolved feature, Section 11.13.6.

Flip pitch direction

Toggle Flip pitch direction to change the direction of translation in a revolved feature with pitch. Click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. This option is available only for revolved features and works in conjunction with the Pitch parameter. For more information, see Controlling the direction of a revolved feature, Section 11.13.6.

Sweep sketch normal to path

Toggle Sweep sketch normal to path to change the orientation of the initial sketch that is used to create a revolved feature with pitch. Click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. This option is available only for revolved features with pitch. For more information, see Controlling the cross-section of a revolved feature with pitch, Section 11.13.7.

Edit Section Sketch

Use the Edit Section Sketch button to change the profile of the selected feature. Make your changes, close the Sketcher, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport.

Edit Sweep Path Sketch

Use the Edit Sweep Path Sketch button to change the path of a swept feature. Make your changes, close the Sketcher, and click Apply to see the modified feature in the viewport. For more information, see Defining the sweep path and the sweep profile, Section 11.13.8.

Stitch tolerance

Use the Stitch tolerance parameter to increase or decrease the size of the gaps that Abaqus/CAE fixes when you stitch the gaps between free edges in a part. For more information, see Stitching edges to create faces, Section 69.6.1.

Regenerate on OK

Toggle Regenerate on OK to control feature regeneration. Regenerate on OK is toggled on by default. Toggle this option off if you do not want the feature to regenerate when you click OK. For more information, see Regenerating a part or assembly, Section 65.4.6.

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