11.16.2 Using the Feature Manipulation toolset in the Part module

The following are considered to be features of a part:

When the Feature Manipulation toolset asks you to select a feature, you can select it from the viewport. Alternatively, you can select the feature from the Model Tree.

If you click mouse button 3 on a feature in the Model Tree, the menu that appears allows you to do the following:


When you edit a feature, Abaqus/CAE displays the feature editor. You can either modify the feature's parameters directly or, if applicable, you can modify the sketch that forms the two-dimensional profile or sweep path of a feature.


When you modify features in a complex part, it may be convenient to postpone regeneration until you make all your changes, since regeneration can be time consuming. Select FeatureRegenerate when you are ready to regenerate the part.


Rename a part.


Suppressing a feature temporarily removes it from the definition of the part. A suppressed feature is invisible, cannot be meshed, and is not included in the analysis of the model. You cannot suppress the base feature, and suppressing a parent feature will suppress all of its child features.


Resuming a feature restores a suppressed feature to the part; resuming a parent feature restores all of its child features. You can choose to resume all features, the set of features most recently suppressed, or a selected feature.


Deleting a feature removes it from the part. You cannot resume a deleted feature.


When you query a part, Abaqus/CAE displays information in the message area and writes the same information to the replay file (abaqus.rpy) in the form of comments.


The Feature Options dialog box allows you to tune the regeneration performance of the current model.

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