11.13.7 Controlling the cross-section of a revolved feature with pitch

When you create a revolved feature without pitch, the sketched profile is swept about a circular path described by the radius between the axis of revolution and the sketch. The cross-section of the revolved feature is the sketch; the cross-section is both parallel to the axis of revolution and normal to the circular path at all times.

When you include pitch in a revolved feature, the path of the sketch becomes helical instead of circular. You can choose to keep the sketch parallel to the axis of revolution, or you can choose to rotate the sketch normal to the helical path.

To make your sketched profile normal to the helical path of the revolved feature with pitch, toggle on Sweep sketch normal to path in the Edit Revolution dialog box. When Abaqus/CAE creates the revolved feature, it rotates the sketched profile such that it is normal to the path of revolution at the starting point. The profile remains normal to the path throughout feature creation. Regardless of the pitch value, the cross-section will match the sketched profile. Using this option, you can create coil springs or other features where the cross-section to the path is your sketched profile.

If you do not choose Sweep sketch normal to path, the sketched profile remains parallel to the axis of revolution and the cross-section of the revolved feature will vary from the profile. The difference between the profile and the cross-section will increase as you increase the value of pitch. For example, if there is no pitch, a circular sketched profile creates a circular cross-section. If you increase the pitch, the cross-section will become increasingly elliptical. You can create screw threads or other features where the cross-section parallel to the axis of revolution is your sketched profile.

To change the cross-section behavior after the feature is created, you can toggle Move sketch normal to path in the Edit Feature dialog box.

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