When you create an axisymmetric part and when you add a revolved feature to a part, the sketch of the profile must include a construction line that defines the axis of rotation. The following rules apply to the sketch and to the construction line:
Creating an axisymmetric part
You can create axisymmetric parts that are defined by either a shell or a wire along with an axis of symmetry by selecting PartCreate from the main menu bar. Abaqus/CAE allows you to include a twist degree of freedom in your model when you create an axisymmetric part.
When you sketch the part's base feature, Abaqus/CAE displays a vertical construction line on the Y-axis of the sketch representing the axis of symmetry. You must sketch only to the right of the line. Your sketch can touch this line but cannot cross it.
You can add only shell and wire features to an axisymmetric base feature. Abaqus/CAE displays the original sketch and construction line when you add a feature, and the same rules apply—you cannot delete this construction line, and you must sketch only to the right of it.
Creating revolved features
You can create three-dimensional parts with a revolved solid or a revolved shell base feature by selecting PartCreate from the main menu bar. Similarly, you can add revolved solids, shells, and cuts to three-dimensional solids and shells by selecting Shape
Revolve, Shape
Revolve, or Shape
Revolve from the main menu bar.
The sketch of a revolved feature must contain a construction line representing the axis of revolution. When you create a new revolved part, Abaqus/CAE creates a vertical construction line through the origin of the Sketcher grid. If desired, you can delete this construction line and redraw it at a new angle and position. In contrast, when you add a revolved feature to an existing part, you must sketch the construction line representing the axis of revolution. You can sketch to the right or to the left of the construction line. Your sketch can touch this line but cannot cross it. If the completed sketch contains more than one construction line, Abaqus/CAE prompts you to select the line that will represent the axis of revolution.
When you are sketching the construction line that represents the axis of revolution, you can position the construction line by selecting a datum axis from the underlying part if one exists. You cannot select the datum axis directly; you must select a point from either end of the datum axis. You can use the datum axis to create concentric features.
When you exit the Sketcher, Abaqus/CAE opens a dialog box to complete the definition of the revolved feature. You enter the angle through which the profile will be revolved and the direction of revolution, and you can choose whether to translate the profile along the axis of revolution by including pitch. You can also specify the direction of translation. The pitch value is the distance through which the profile would be translated during a rotation of 360°. Pitch allows the creation of parts such as coil springs and part details such as screw threads.
If you want to create complex shapes in which the sketched profile is extruded rather than revolved, such as twisted cables or helical gears, you can include twist in an extruded solid, shell, or cut feature. See “What types of features can you create?,” Section 11.9, for basic information about all the available feature types and “Defining the extrusion distance,” Section 11.13.1, for more information about extruded features.