Select FileExport
OBJ from the main menu bar to export the model in the current viewport to an OBJ-format file. When you export data from the Visualization module, Abaqus/CAE exports only mesh data to the OBJ-format file. If you export data from any other module, Abaqus/CAE exports mesh data if the mesh is displayed in the current viewport; otherwise, Abaqus/CAE exports geometry data.
Export from the Visualization module is sensitive to the current step and frame. If you display an undeformed plot in the viewport, Abaqus/CAE exports undeformed data to the OBJ-format file; if you display a deformed plot, Abaqus/CAE exports deformed data for the current step and frame to the OBJ-format file.
Abaqus/CAE performs the following conversions to geometry and mesh data during the export process:
Solid elements in the model database are converted to shell elements in the OBJ-format file.
Quadrilateral elements in the model database are converted to triangular elements in the OBJ-format file.
Second-order elements in the model database are converted to first-order elements in the OBJ-format file.
If your model is meshed with a large number of second-order elements, the export process can create a large OBJ file as Abaqus/CAE splits the second-order elements into the resulting first-order elements.
The quality of the geometry or mesh data you export and the resulting file size both depend on the curve refinement settings. For more information on changing curve refinement quality, see “Controlling curve refinement,” Section 76.4.
To export viewport data to an OBJ-format file:
If you are exporting data from the Visualization module, select the plot state for which you want to export data. For export of data from a deformed plot state, select the step and frame for which you want to export data. For more information on selecting the current step and frame, see “Selecting the results step and frame,” Section 42.3.
From the main menu bar, select FileExport
The Export to OBJ File dialog box appears.
From the File Filter menu at the bottom of the dialog box, select OBJ (*.obj).
Abaqus/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the file extension .obj.
Select the file to which you want to export the geometry and mesh data, or type the name of a new file in the File Name text field.
Click OK to export the data and to close the Export to OBJ File dialog box.