Abaqus/CAE uses your model definition to generate an Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, or Abaqus/CFD input file when you submit the analysis job. The Abaqus/CAE model contains parts and assemblies; and, by default, an input file generated by Abaqus/CAE contains parts and assemblies. Some Abaqus functionality is not supported in a model that contains parts and assemblies. Abaqus/CAE attempts to preserve the node and element labels of the model when writing an input file without parts and assemblies. If there are no conflicts between any part or part instance labels, Abaqus/CAE maintains the labels in the model when it writes the nodes and elements to the input file. Conversely, if any conflicts arise between any part or part instance labels, such as two part instances with the same node and element labels, Abaqus/CAE displays a warning before it writes an input file with renumbered node and element labels.
If you want Abaqus/CAE to write input files without parts and assemblies, you can use one of the following methods to change the format of input files generated by Abaqus/CAE:
When you start an Abaqus/CAE session
To change the format of the input files generated by Abaqus/CAE, you can modify the cae_no_parts_input_file parameter in the Abaqus environment file (abaqus_v6.env) as follows:
cae_no_parts_input_file=ONIf you use this method, the input file format cannot be changed during the Abaqus/CAE session. For additional information on defining environment file parameters, refer to the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide.
During an Abaqus/CAE session
There are two methods that you can use to change the format of the input files generated by Abaqus/CAE.
Select ModelModel Attributes
model name for the model that you want to change, then toggle on Do not use parts and assemblies in input files.
Enter the following Abaqus Scripting Interface command into the command line interface at the bottom of the Abaqus/CAE main window:
The command line interface is hidden by default, but it uses the same space that is occupied by the message area at the bottom of the main window. To access the command line interface, click in the bottom left corner of the main window.
If you find yourself repeatedly changing the format of the input file generated by Abaqus/CAE, you can create and run a macro that contains the previous Abaqus Scripting Interface command. For more information on macros, see “Managing macros,” Section 9.11.
Warning: When Abaqus/CAE writes an input file without parts and assemblies, it tries to preserve the node and element labels generated in Abaqus/CAE. However, if you use the Keywords Editor to edit keywords in a model that uses the parts and assemblies input file format and then change the format of the input file generated by Abaqus/CAE, conflicts may occur when the input file is written and the keywords are regenerated. For more information, see “Resolving conflicts in the input file,” Section 9.10.3.