Abaqus/CAE uses your model definition to generate Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, or Abaqus/CFD keywords and data that are placed in an input file when you submit the analysis job. Currently Abaqus/CAE may not support Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, or Abaqus/CFD functionality that you might like to include in your model. If that is the case, you may be able to add the functionality using the Keywords Editor. Select ModelEdit Keywords
model _name from the main menu bar to start the Keywords Editor.
To use the Keywords Editor, you should be familiar with the syntax of Abaqus keywords and data. For example, the Step module does not allow you to provide boundary impedances or nonreflecting boundaries for acoustic and coupled acoustic-structural analysis. To provide boundary impedances or nonreflecting boundaries, you can use the Keywords Editor to add the *IMPEDANCE keyword to the model.
When you submit the model for analysis in the Job module, Abaqus/CAE incorporates changes you made using the Keywords Editor in the input file that is submitted for analysis. Keywords that you add to your model using the Keywords Editor persist even after you modify or regenerate the model using Abaqus/CAE, because Abaqus/CAE stores the contents of the Keywords Editor along with the model definition in the model database. As a result, the contents of the input file may not be valid (for example, if you added keywords that refer to steps that you subsequently deleted), and the analysis may fail.
Warning: If you used the Keywords Editor to edit the original model, Abaqus/CAE ignores those changes when you restart the analysis. For more information, see “Rules governing a restart analysis,” Section 19.6.3.
Abaqus/CAE indents some of the keywords in the Keywords Editor to make the input file easier to read on the screen. The keywords that are indented can never appear on their own in the input file and must always be used in conjunction with another keyword. The indentation that you see in the Keywords Editor is not included in the input file that is generated by Abaqus/CAE.
The Keywords Editor does not allow you to edit the geometry of your model; you must use Abaqus/CAE to make geometry changes. Therefore, the Keywords Editor is available only after you have generated the mesh. If the input file generated by Abaqus/CAE is exceptionally long, the Keywords Editor displays the input file one buffer at a time. You can use the scroll bar to scroll through each buffer and the buttons at the bottom of the editor to display the next or previous buffer.
If you use the Keywords Editor to modify the input file and then use Abaqus/CAE to modify the model, Abaqus/CAE merges the changes into the input file. If a conflict arises during the merge, Abaqus/CAE issues a warning message.
It is recommended that you not edit keywords that are supported by Abaqus/CAE; for example, you should use the Property module, not the Keywords Editor, to change the properties of a material. This approach maintains consistency between directly supported aspects of a model and those added by the Keywords Editor. If you do edit a keyword using the Keywords Editor and then use Abaqus/CAE to make a change to your model that refers to the same keyword, a conflict will occur.
To minimize the length of the input file displayed in the Keywords Editor, Abaqus/CAE hides the data lines for keywords that require a large amount of data, notably *NODE, *ELEMENT, and *DISTRIBUTION. If you modify the line immediately following such keywords in the Keywords Editor, conflicts occur when Abaqus/CAE merges and writes the input file.
For tips on resolving input file conflicts generated by the Keywords Editor, see “Resolving conflicts in the input file,” Section 9.10.3.
You can review the keywords supported by Abaqus/CAE by selecting HelpKeyword Browser from the main menu bar.
To edit the model's keywords:
From the main menu bar, select ModelEdit Keywords
model _name.
The Keywords Editor appears and displays the keywords associated with the model you select.
Note: The keywords are available to be edited only after you have generated a mesh.
Note: The contents are truncated if you include an asterisk (*) in an object name or description.
Each keyword in the input file is displayed in its own block. Buttons in the lower left corner of the Keywords Editor allow you to do the following:
Add After
Add an empty block of text below the selected block; text that you add to a new block appears in blue.
Remove the selected block of text that was added using the Keywords Editor. You cannot remove a block generated by Abaqus/CAE.
Discard Edits
Discard the changes you made to a block generated by Abaqus/CAE during the most recent use of the Keywords Editor.
Buffer x of y :
Display the next and previous buffer of a large input file. Use the scroll bar to scroll within a buffer.
From the buttons across the bottom of the Keywords Editor, click OK to include your changes and to close the editor. Click Cancel to close the editor and to disregard your changes. Click Discard All Edits to keep the editor open and to remove all of the changes that you made to the input file.