6.2.8 Combining selection techniques

There are times when it is convenient to use a combination of the methods for selecting and unselecting objects. For example, you can drag-select a group of nodes while creating a node set using the Set toolset. You can then [Ctrl] + Click individual nodes to unselect them and [Shift] + Click additional nodes to add them to your selection. A combination of the three techniques is illustrated below:

  1. First, you use drag-select to select a group of nodes.

  2. Then, you use [Ctrl] + Click to unselect individual nodes.

  3. Finally, you use [Shift] + Click to add nodes to your set and then click mouse button 2 to indicate you have finished selecting.

You may find it useful to adjust the view orientation to make particular items in the viewport more accessible. You can adjust the view orientation at any point during the selection process. For information on the view manipulation tools, see Chapter 5, Manipulating the view and controlling perspective.”

Tip:  To unselect all the objects, click an unused part of the current viewport.

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