5.3.1 Rotating the view using the 3D compass

The 3D compass allows you to rotate the view of a model using two different methods: you can rotate freely in all directions, or you can constrain the manipulation to rotation about a specific axis. In both cases the model view rotates about the current center of rotation for the viewport, as defined by the rotate tool (see The rotate view tool, Section 5.2.3).

Free rotation

To rotate a model in any direction, click and drag the free rotation handle on the 3D compass:

As you drag the mouse, the compass rotates about its pivot in the direction of the mouse motion (the pivot point coincides with the compass manipulation handle). The rotation is dependent on the direction of the mouse motion, not on the location of the pointer; in other words, the compass continues to rotate as long as you continue to drag. As the orientation of the compass changes, the view of the model changes accordingly.

Rotation about an axis

You can also rotate a model about a specified axis, thereby maintaining a constant orientation in a particular direction during the manipulation. To rotate about an axis, click and drag one of the three arcs along the perimeter of the 3D compass:

As you drag the mouse, the compass rotates about the axis that is perpendicular to the plane subtended by the selected arc (the X-axis in the above example). The rotation is dependent on the location of the pointer. As you drag the mouse, the path of the pointer in the viewport is projected onto the selected compass arc. The compass rotates according to this projected path. As the orientation of the compass changes, the view of the model changes accordingly.

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