4.4.7 Tiling viewports

You can arrange the viewports on the canvas in a tile pattern. This may be useful to expose hidden viewports or simply to reduce clutter in the drawing area. Abaqus/CAE arranges the viewports so that the contents are visible but parts of the title bars may be hidden.

To tile viewports:

  1. Use the Minimize button in the upper right corner of a viewport to minimize any viewports that you do not want to tile.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the main menu bar, select ViewportTile Horizontally to tile the viewports while retaining the largest possible horizontal dimension.

    • From the main menu bar, select ViewportTile Vertically to tile the viewports while retaining the largest possible vertical dimension.

    Abaqus/CAE sets all the non-minimized viewports to the same size and arranges them to fill the drawing area. All tiled viewports are arranged in numerical order. Minimized viewports are positioned in front of any tiled viewports except the current viewport.

    Tip:  You can also tile non-minimized viewports by clicking or in the Viewport toolbar.

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