3.4.11 Copying step-dependent objects using manager dialog boxes

You use the Copy button in manager dialog boxes to copy a step-dependent object such as a load, boundary condition, interaction, predefined field, output request, or adaptive mesh constraint. You can copy an object from any step to any other valid step.

To copy a step-dependent object:

  1. Open the appropriate manager, as described in Managing objects using manager dialog boxes, Section 3.4.9.

  2. Select the object you want to copy by clicking in the corresponding table cell.

  3. Click Copy.

    The corresponding Copy Object dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a name for the new object.

  5. Choose the destination step from the Step list. By default, the object is copied into the step in which it was created.

  6. Click OK.

    The object is copied to the selected destination step.

If the destination step type is different from the type of step in which the object was originally created, Abaqus/CAE may need to modify the object to make it compatible with the new step. For example, if a load was created in a static (general) step and you copy it into a steady-state dynamics (linear perturbation) step, Abaqus/CAE will add an imaginary component to the load value. Conversely, if a load from a steady-state dynamics step is copied to a static step, the imaginary component will be removed.

In addition, when you copy an object to a step other than the step in which it was created, any modifications made to the original object in one of its propagated states will be ignored in the copy.

Abaqus/CAE prevents you from copying an object into a step type where the object type is invalid. Abaqus/CAE also prevents you from copying a suppressed object or copying to a suppressed step.