3.2.12 Using keyboard shortcuts

You can use the keyboard instead of the mouse to perform most actions within the Abaqus/CAE main window and dialog boxes. The following actions have keyboard shortcuts:

Context-sensitive help

Press [F1] to display context-sensitive help concerning the currently selected object in the Abaqus/CAE main window or dialog box. For more information on using [F1] for context-sensitive help, see Displaying context-sensitive help, Section 2.6.1.


You can display a particular menu by pressing the [Alt] key in combination with the underlined character in that menu's name. For example, the letter V is underlined in the View menu in the main menu bar:

Therefore, you can type [Alt] + V to display the View menu.

Menu items

Once the menu is displayed, you can select a particular menu item by continuing to press the [Alt] key and pressing the underlined character in that menu item's name. For example, the letter n is underlined in Pan in the View menu:

Therefore, you can type [Alt] + V to display the View menu and then, without releasing the [Alt] key, type n to select Pan.

Model Tree and Results Tree

The Model Tree and Results Tree contain keyboard shortcuts that allow you to navigate through the tree and toggle its display on and off. For more information, see An overview of the Model Tree, Section 3.5.1.