2.6.3 Finding special sections of the online documentation

The following Help menu items allow you to display sections of the HTML documentation that you may find useful:

On Module

Select HelpOn Module to display the Abaqus/CAE User's Guide opened to the beginning of the chapter that describes the current module. If you have not yet entered a module, the guide will be opened to a description of the module concept. In either case, you are then free to read additional information as needed and to conduct text searches through the entire guide.

On Help

Select HelpOn Help to display the Abaqus/CAE User's Guide opened to the section that describes how to use the help system. You are also free to read additional information as needed and to conduct text searches through the entire guide.

Getting Started

Select HelpGetting Started to display a section that provides basic information on how to work in the Abaqus/CAE window. This section also contains links to helpful tutorials in the Getting Started with Abaqus/CAE guide.

Release Notes

Select HelpRelease Notes to display the Abaqus Release Notes. Release notes detail new features of the software and provide a list of updates and enhancements.