2.1.4 Saving model data from an inactive session

Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer include an inactivity timer. If the applications are left inactive for an extended period of time, the license tokens are returned to the server to make them available to other users. Your session does not end if the server connection is lost or if new license tokens cannot be acquired. Instead, when no licenses are available, a dialog box appears listing your options. For both Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer you can attempt to reacquire a license or you can exit the application. For Abaqus/CAE you also have the option to save the current model database. Saving the model allows you to preserve any completed model information that you did not already save; any partially completed information, such as for a procedure that was active at the time the license was lost, is not saved. Once you have saved the model database, only the reacquire and exit options remain in the dialog box. The save option is not provided in Abaqus/Viewer since all changes that affect the output database are saved immediately when you make them.

The default time limit is 60 minutes. You can change the time limit by using the cae_timeout environment variable in the Abaqus environment file (abaqus_v6.env). For additional information on the environment file, see Using the Abaqus environment files, Section 4.1 of the Abaqus Installation and Licensing Guide.

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