The abaqus_2016.gpr file in your home directory stores GUI settings (such as the size of the main window) as well as display options settings (such as the render style). You can also store display options settings in an abaqus_2016.gpr file in a directory other than your home directory. If you start Abaqus/CAE with noSavedOptions specified, Abaqus/CAE does not apply the display options settings (for example, the render style and the display of datum planes) stored in the abaqus_2016.gpr file. For more information, see “Starting Abaqus/CAE (or Abaqus/Viewer),” Section 2.1.1.
When you start Abaqus/CAE
GUI settings are read from the abaqus_2016.gpr file in your home directory.
Display options settings are read from the abaqus_2016.gpr file in the directory from which you start Abaqus/CAE.
If no abaqus_2016.gpr file is present but a .gpr file from an earlier release exists in that directory, Abaqus/CAE attempts to apply the settings specified in that file and creates an abaqus_2016.gpr file to store the settings.
If no .gpr file is present in that directory, the display options settings are read from the abaqus_2016.gpr file in your home directory.
During an Abaqus/CAE session
You can use FileSave Display Options to save display options settings to the abaqus_2016.gpr file in your home directory or in the current directory. For more information, see “Saving your display options settings,” Section 76.16. This save option does not apply to GUI settings.
When you exit Abaqus/CAE
Your GUI settings are saved automatically to the abaqus_2016.gpr file in your home directory. For more information, see “Understanding Abaqus/CAE GUI settings,” Section 3.6.