Define transverse shear stiffness for beams and shells.

This option must be used in conjunction with the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option, the *BEAM SECTION option, the *COHESIVE SECTION option, the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option, or the *SHELL SECTION option. The transverse shear stiffness defined with this option affects only the transverse shear flexible elements whose section properties are defined by the immediately preceding section option.

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  

Type: Model data

Level: Part,  Part instance  

Abaqus/CAE: Property module

There are no parameters associated with this option.

Data line when used with cohesive sections, shell sections, and *BEAM GENERAL SECTION, SECTION=MESHED

First (and only) line:

  1. Value of the shear stiffness of the section in the first direction, .

  2. Value of the shear stiffness of the section in the second direction, .

  3. Value of the coupling term in the shear stiffness of the section, .

If either value or is omitted or given as zero, the nonzero value will be used for both.

Data line when used with all other beam sections: 

First (and only) line:

  1. Value of the shear stiffness of the section.

  2. Value of the shear stiffness of the section.

  3. Value of the slenderness compensation factor or the label SCF. If this field is left blank, a default value of 0.25 is assumed. If the label SCF is specified, the values of the shear stiffness specified by the user will be ignored. They and the slenderness compensation factor will be calculated from the elastic material definition with the beam section.

If either value is omitted or given as zero, the nonzero value will be used for both when the label SCF is not used.