Define layers of reinforcement in membrane, shell, surface, and continuum elements.

This option is used to define one or multiple rebar layers in membrane, shell, and surface elements. It must be used in conjunction with the *MEMBRANE SECTION, the *SHELL SECTION, or the *SURFACE SECTION option. Rebar layers in solid (continuum) elements can be defined by embedding a set of surface or membrane elements with rebar layers in a set of host continuum elements through the use of the *EMBEDDED ELEMENT option.

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  

Type: Model data

Level: Part,  Part instance  

Abaqus/CAE: Property module; supported only for membrane and shell elements.


Optional parameters:


Use this parameter to specify the type of rebar geometry.

Set GEOMETRY=CONSTANT (default) if the rebar spacing in the element is constant. The spacing is given as a length measure on the data lines.

Set GEOMETRY=ANGULAR if the rebar spacing increases linearly as a function of the distance measured from the axis of revolution in a cylindrical coordinate system. The spacing is given as an angular spacing in degrees on the data lines. A cylindrical orientation system must be defined if this option is used with three-dimensional membrane, shell, or surface elements.

Set GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATION if the rebar spacing and orientation within the element is determined by the tire “lift” equation. The rebar parameters are defined with respect to the uncured or “green” tire configuration, and the lift equation maps the rebar parameters to the cured tire configuration. The spacing is given as a length measure on the data lines. A cylindrical orientation system must be defined if this option is used with three-dimensional membrane, shell, or surface elements.


This parameter is meaningful only for rebar in general shell, membrane, and surface elements. Set this parameter equal to the name of an orientation definition that defines the angular orientation of the rebar on the data lines. If this parameter is omitted, the angular orientation of rebar on the data lines is specified relative to the default projected local surface directions. This parameter is not permitted with axisymmetric shell, axisymmetric membrane, and axisymmetric surface elements.

Data lines to define rebar layers: 

First line:

  1. A name that will be used to identify this rebar layer. This name can be used in defining rebar prestress and output requests. Each layer of rebar must be given a separate name in a particular element or element set.

  2. Cross-sectional area of the rebar.

  3. Spacing of rebar in the plane of the membrane, shell, or surface element. The value is given as a length measure unless the GEOMETRY=ANGULAR parameter is specified, in which case the value should be given in terms of angular spacing in degrees. Specify the spacing in the uncured geometry if GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATION.

  4. Position of the rebar in the shell section thickness direction. This value is given as the distance of the rebar from the middle surface of the shell, positive in the direction of the positive normal to the shell. This value is modified if the NODAL THICKNESS parameter is included with the *SHELL SECTION option for the underlying shell element. This entry has no meaning for rebar in either membrane or surface elements.

  5. Name of the material forming this rebar layer.

  6. For three-dimensional shell, membrane, and surface elements, specify the angular orientation of rebar (in degrees) between the positive local 1-direction and the rebar. Specify the angle in the uncured geometry if GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATION.

    The local 1-direction can be defined by using the *ORIENTATION option and setting the ORIENTATION parameter equal to the orientation name. If the ORIENTATION parameter is omitted, the local 1-direction is defined by the default projected local surface directions. The optional ORIENTATION parameter given on the *MEMBRANE SECTION and the *SHELL SECTION options has no influence on the rebar angular orientation.

    For axisymmetric shell, axisymmetric membrane, and axisymmetric surface elements, specify the angular orientation of rebar from the meridional plane in degrees (0° is meridional, 90° is circumferential). Positive rotation is about the positive normal to the shell, membrane, or surface elements.

  7. The isoparametric direction from which the rebar angle output will be measured. The default is 1.

  8. Extension ratio, e, for rebar defined with GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATION. In a tire e represents the pre-strain that occurs during the curing process; e =1 means a 100% extension. This entry has no meaning for rebar defined using GEOMETRY=CONSTANT or GEOMETRY=ANGULAR.

  9. Radius, , of the rebar defined with GEOMETRY=LIFT EQUATION. The value is the position of the rebar in the uncured geometry, measured with respect to the axis of rotation in a cylindrical coordinate system. This entry has no meaning for rebar defined using GEOMETRY=CONSTANT or GEOMETRY=ANGULAR.

Repeat the data line as often as necessary. Each data line defines a layer of rebar.