Specify the linear solver and parameters for solving the pressure equation for incompressible flows.

This option can be used only as a suboption of the *CFD option to enable the linear solver parameters for the pressure equation for incompressible flows. For a steady-state analysis this option is also used to enable the under-relaxation parameter for the pressure correction equation.

Products: Abaqus/CFD  Abaqus/CAE  

Type: History data

Level: Step

Abaqus/CAE: Step module


Optional parameters:


Set CONVERGENCE=ON to write convergence information to the log file.

Set CONVERGENCE=OFF (default) to suppress convergence information.


Set DIAGNOSTICS=ON to write diagnostic information about the solver to the log file.

Set DIAGNOSTICS=OFF (default) to suppress diagnostic information.


Set TYPE=AMG (default) to enable the Algebraic Multigrid linear solver.

Set TYPE=DSCG to enable the Diagonal Scaled Conjugate Gradient linear solver.

Set TYPE=SSORCG to enable the Symmetric Successive Over Relaxation Conjugate Gradient linear solver.

Data lines for TYPE=AMG

First line:

  1. Maximum number of iterations (default=250).

  2. Interval to check linear convergence (default=2).

  3. Linear convergence criterion (default=10–5).

  4. Under-relaxation factor (default=0.3). This value is valid only for a steady-state analysis.

Second line:

  1. Specify the algebraic multigrid smoother as CHEBYCHEV, ILU, ICC, or SSOR (default=ICC).

  2. Number of pre-coarsening smoothing steps (default=1).

  3. Number of post-coarsening smoothing steps (default=1).

  4. Specify the Krylov solver as CG, BCGS, or FGMRES (default=CG).

Third line:

  1. Specify the algebraic multigrid cycle as V or W (default=V).

Data line for TYPE=DSCG and TYPE=SSORCG

First (and only) line:

  1. Maximum number of iterations (default=250).

  2. Interval to check linear convergence (default=2).

  3. Linear convergence criterion (default=10–5).

  4. Under-relaxation factor (default=0.3). This value is valid only for a steady-state analysis.