This option is used to provide material properties that define the initiation of damage. It can also be used in conjunction with the *SURFACE INTERACTION option to define a contact property model that allows definition of damage initiation for cohesive surfaces.
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
Type: Model data
Level: Model
Abaqus/CAE: Property module
Set CRITERION=DUCTILE to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the ductile failure strain.
Set CRITERION=FLD to specify a damage initiation criterion based on a forming limit diagram.
Set CRITERION=FLSD to specify a damage initiation criterion based on a forming limit stress diagram.
Set CRITERION=HASHIN to specify damage initiation criteria based on the Hashin analysis.
Set CRITERION=HYSTERESIS ENERGY to specify damage initiation criteria based on the inelastic hysteresis energy dissipated per stabilized cycle in a low-cycle fatigue analysis.
Set CRITERION=JOHNSON COOK to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the Johnson-Cook failure strain.
Set CRITERION=MAXE to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum nominal strain for cohesive elements or enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=MAXS to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum nominal stress criterion for cohesive elements or enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=MAXPE to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum principal strain for enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=MAXPS to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum principal stress criterion for enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=MK to specify a damage initiation criterion based on a Marciniak-Kuczynski analysis.
Set CRITERION=MSFLD to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the Müschenborn and Sonne forming limit diagram.
Set CRITERION=QUADE to specify a damage initiation based on the quadratic separation-interaction criterion for cohesive elements or enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=QUADS to specify a damage initiation based on the quadratic traction-interaction criterion for cohesive elements or enriched elements.
Set CRITERION=SHEAR to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the shear failure strain.
Set CRITERION=USER to specify a user-defined damage initiation criterion for enriched elements.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=HASHIN.
Set this parameter equal to the value of the coefficient that will multiply the shear contribution to the Hashin's fiber initiation criterion. The default value is .
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MSFLD.
Set DEFINITION=MSFLD (default) to specify the MSFLD damage initiation criterion by providing the limit equivalent plastic strain as a tabular function of .
Set DEFINITION=FLD to specify the MSFLD damage initiation criterion by providing the limit major strain as a tabular function of minor strain.
Set this parameter equal to the number of field variables included in the definition of the damage initiation properties. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the damage initiation properties are constant or depend only on temperature. This parameter cannot be used with CRITERION=JOHNSON COOK.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=USER.
Set this parameter equal to the total number of failure mechanisms to be specified in a user-defined damage initiation criterion. This parameter value must be a nonzero.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MK.
Set this parameter equal to the critical value of the deformation severity index for equivalent plastic strains, . The default value is
Set this parameter equal to zero if the deformation severity factor for equivalent plastic strains should not be considered for the evaluation of the Marciniak-Kuczynski criterion.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MK.
Set this parameter equal to the critical value of the deformation severity index for strains normal to the groove direction, . The default value is
Set this parameter equal to zero if the deformation severity factor for strains normal to the groove should not be considered for the evaluation of the Marciniak-Kuczynski criterion.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MK.
Set this parameter equal to the critical value of the deformation severity index for shear strains, . The default value is
Set this parameter equal to zero if the deformation severity factor for shear strains should not be considered for the evaluation of the Marciniak-Kuczynski criterion.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MK.
Set this parameter equal to the frequency, in increments, at which the Marciniak-Kuczynski analysis is going to be performed. By default, the M-K analysis is performed every increment; that is, FREQUENCY=1.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=SHEAR.
Set this parameter equal to the value of . The default value is
Include this parameter to define a ductile damage initiation criterion that depends on the Lode angle.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MAXE, CRITERION=MAXS, CRITERION=QUADE, or CRITERION=QUADS for enriched elements in Abaqus/Standard.
Set NORMAL DIRECTION=1 (default) to specify that a new crack orthogonal to the element local 1-direction will be introduced when the damage initiation criterion is satisfied.
Set NORMAL DIRECTION=2 to specify that a new crack orthogonal to the element local 2-direction will be introduced when the damage initiation criterion is satisfied.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MK.
Set this parameter equal to the number of imperfections to be considered for the evaluation of the Marciniak-Kuczynski analysis. These imperfections are assumed to be equally spaced in the angular direction. By default, four imperfections are used.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MSFLD in Abaqus/Explicit.
Set this parameter equal to the factor used for filtering the ratio of principal strain rates used for the evaluation of the MSFLD damage initiation criterion. The default value is
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MSFLD in Abaqus/Explicit.
Set this parameter equal to the accumulated increment in equivalent plastic strain used to trigger the evaluation of the MSFLD damage initiation criterion. The default value is (
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MAXPE, CRITERION=MAXPS, CRITERION=MAXE, CRITERION=MAXS, CRITERION=QUADE, CRITERION=QUADS, or CRITERION=USER for enriched elements in Abaqus/Standard.
Set POSITION=CENTROID (default) to use the stress/strain at the element centroid ahead of the crack tip to determine if the damage initiation criterion is satisfied and to determine the crack propagation direction (if needed).
Set POSITION=COMBINED to use the stress/strain extrapolated to the crack tip to determine if the damage initiation criterion is satisfied and to use the stress/strain at the element centroid to determine the crack propagation direction (if needed).
Set POSITION=CRACKTIP to use the stress/strain extrapolated to the crack tip to determine if the damage initiation criterion is satisfied and to determine the crack propagation direction (if needed).
Set POSITION=NONLOCAL to use the stress/strain extrapolated to the crack tip to determine if the damage initiation criterion is satisfied and to use the stress/strain averaged over a group of elements around the crack tip in the enriched region to determine the crack propagation direction (if needed). This option can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MAXPE or CRITERION=MAXPS.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=USER.
Set this parameter equal to the number of material constants being specified for a user-defined damage initiation criterion. The parameter value must be a nonzero value.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with POSITION=NONLOCAL.
Set this parameter equal to the radius around the crack tip within which the elements are included for calculating the averaged stress/strain used to obtain the crack propagation direction. The default value is three times the typical element characteristic length in the enriched region.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with POSITION=NONLOCAL.
Set SMOOTHING=NONE (default) to use the stress/strain at the integration points directly for averaging.
Set SMOOTHING=NODAL to assemble the stress/strain to element nodes and then interpolate to the integration points for averaging.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with CRITERION=MAXPE, CRITERION=MAXPS, CRITERION=MAXE, CRITERION=MAXS, CRITERION=QUADE, CRITERION=QUADS, or CRITERION=USER for enriched elements in Abaqus/Standard.
Set this parameter equal to the tolerance within which the damage initiation criterion must be satisfied. The default is 0.05.
This parameter can be used only in conjunction with POSITION=NONLOCAL.
Set WEIGHTING METHOD=UNIFORM (default) to average the stress/strain with a uniform weight function.
Set WEIGHTING METHOD=GAUSS to average the stress/strain with a Gaussian weight function.
Set WEIGHTING METHOD=CUBIC SPLINE to average the stress/strain with a cubic spline weight function.
Set WEIGHTING METHOD=USER to average the stress/strain with a user-defined weight function.
First line:
Equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation.
Stress triaxiality, ().
Strain rate.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation as a function of triaxiality, strain rate, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation.
Stress triaxiality, .
Lode angle term, .
Strain rate.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Third field variable.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than three):
Fourth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation as a function of triaxiality, Lode angle, strain rate, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Major principal strain at damage initiation.
Minor principal strain.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to five field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):
Sixth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the major principal strain at damage initiation as a function of minor principal strain, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Major principal stress at damage initiation.
Minor principal stress.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to five field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):
Sixth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the major principal stress at damage initiation as a function of minor principal stress, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Longitudinal tensile strength of the lamina.
Longitudinal compressive strength of the lamina.
Transverse tensile strength of the lamina.
Transverse compressive strength of the lamina.
Longitudinal shear strength of the lamina.
Transverse shear strength of the lamina.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than one):
Second field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the dependence of the strengths on temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Material constant . (Units of
Material constant .
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to five field variables per line.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):
Sixth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the dependence of material constants on temperature and other predefined field variables.
First (and only) line:
Johnson-Cook failure parameter, .
Johnson-Cook failure parameter, .
Johnson-Cook failure parameter, .
Johnson-Cook failure parameter, .
Johnson-Cook failure parameter, .
Melting temperature, .
Transition temperature, .
Reference strain rate, .
First line:
Groove size relative to nominal thickness of the section, .
Angle (in degrees) with respect to the 1-direction of the local material orientation.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to five field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than five):
Sixth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the groove size as a function of angular distance, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Equivalent plastic strain at initiation of localized necking.
Ratio of minor to major principal strains, .
Equivalent plastic strain rate.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation as a function of , equivalent plastic strain rate, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Major principal strain at initiation of localized necking.
Minor principal strain.
Equivalent plastic strain rate.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the major principal strain at damage initiation as a function of minor principal strain, equivalent plastic strain rate, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Nominal strain at damage initiation in a normal-only mode.
Nominal strain at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the first shear direction.
Nominal strain at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the second shear direction.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum normal and shear tractions at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Maximum nominal stress in the normal-only mode.
Maximum nominal stress in the first shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
Maximum nominal stress in the second shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum normal and shear tractions at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Maximum principal strain at damage initiation.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to six field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than six):
Seventh field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum principal strain at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Maximum principal stress at damage initiation.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to six field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than six):
Seventh field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum principal stress at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation.
Shear stress ratio, .
Strain rate.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation as a function of the shear stress ratio, strain rate, temperature, and other predefined field variables.
Set CRITERION=MAXS to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum nominal stress criterion for cohesive surfaces.
Set CRITERION=MAXU to specify a damage initiation criterion based on the maximum separation criterion for cohesive surfaces.
Set CRITERION=QUADS to specify a damage initiation based on the quadratic traction-interaction criterion for cohesive surfaces.
Set CRITERION=QUADU to specify a damage initiation based on the quadratic separation-interaction criterion for cohesive surfaces.
Set this parameter equal to the number of field variables included in the definition of the damage initiation properties. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the damage initiation properties are constant or depend only on temperature.
First line:
Separation at damage initiation in a normal-only mode.
Separation at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the first shear direction.
Separation at damage initiation in a shear-only mode that involves separation only along the second shear direction.
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum normal and shear separations at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.
First line:
Maximum nominal stress in the normal-only mode.
Maximum nominal stress in the first shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
Maximum nominal stress in the second shear direction (for a mode that involves separation only in this direction).
Temperature, if temperature dependent.
First field variable.
Second field variable.
Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only needed if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
Fifth field variable.
Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the maximum normal and shear tractions at damage initiation as a function of temperature and other predefined field variables.