This option is used to prescribe distributed surface magnetic vector potential in an eddy current or in a magnetostatic analysis.
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/CAE
Type: History data
Level: Step
Abaqus/CAE: Load module
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curve that defines the variation of the magnetic vector potential magnitude during the step with respect to frequency for time-harmonic eddy current analysis or with respect to time for transient eddy current and magnetostatic analyses.
Amplitude references are ignored for nonuniform potentials given by user subroutine UDEMPOTENTIAL.
Only the magnitude of the magnetic vector potential is changed with frequency or time. The direction (or both the real and imaginary parts of the direction for a time-harmonic eddy current analysis) of the magnetic vector potential is not changed.
Set OP=MOD (default) for existing *D EM POTENTIALs to remain, with this option modifying existing distributed magnetic vector potentials or defining additional distributed magnetic vector potentials.
Set OP=NEW if all existing *D EM POTENTIALs applied to the model should be removed. New distributed magnetic vector potentials can be defined.
First line:
Surface name.
Region type label S.
Distributed potential type label MVP (uniform) or MVPNU (nonuniform).
Name of the orientation (“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide) that defines the local coordinate system in which the magnetic vector potential is defined (if left blank, the default is assumed to be the global coordinate system)
Magnitude of the real (in-phase) part of the reference magnetic vector potential, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option. For nonuniform potentials the magnitude must be defined in user subroutine UDEMPOTENTIAL. If given, this value, along with the three components of the direction for the real part of the magnetic vector potential that are provided as the next three data entries, will be passed into the user subroutine.
1-component of the direction of the real part of the magnetic vector potential.
2-component of the direction of the real part of the magnetic vector potential.
3-component of the direction of the real part of the magnetic vector potential.
Magnitude of the imaginary (out-of-phase) part of the reference magnetic vector potential, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option. For nonuniform potentials the magnitude must be defined in user subroutine UDEMPOTENTIAL. If given, this value, along with the three components of the direction for the imaginary part of the magnetic vector potential that are provided as the next three data entries, will be passed into the user subroutine.
1-component of the direction of the imaginary part of the magnetic vector potential.
2-component of the direction of the imaginary part of the magnetic vector potential.
3-component of the direction of the imaginary part of the magnetic vector potential.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define distributed magnetic vector potentials on different surfaces.
First line:
Surface name.
Region type label S.
Distributed potential type label MVP (uniform) or MVPNU (nonuniform).
Name of the orientation (“Orientations,” Section 2.2.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide) that defines the local coordinate system in which the magnetic vector potential is defined (if left blank, the default is assumed to be the global coordinate system).
Magnitude of the reference magnetic vector potential, which can be modified by using the *AMPLITUDE option. For nonuniform potentials the magnitude must be defined in user subroutine UDEMPOTENTIAL. If given, this value, along with the three components of the direction of the magnetic vector potential that are provided as the next three data entries, will be passed into the user subroutine.
1-component of the direction of the magnetic vector potential.
2-component of the direction of the magnetic vector potential.
3-component of the direction of the magnetic vector potential.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define distributed magnetic vector potentials on different surfaces.