Define viscous damping between contacting surfaces.

This option is used to define viscous damping between two interacting surfaces. It must be used in conjunction with the *SURFACE INTERACTION, the *GAP, or the *INTERFACE option. In Abaqus/Standard this option is primarily used to damp relative motions of the surfaces during approach or separation. In Abaqus/Explicit this option is used to damp oscillations when using penalty or softened contact. This option is not applicable if user subroutine VUINTER or VUINTERACTION is specified for the surface interaction.

Products: Abaqus/Standard  Abaqus/Explicit  Abaqus/CAE  

Type: Model data in Abaqus/Standard; Model or history data in Abaqus/Explicit

Level: Part,  Part instance,  Assembly,  Model in Abaqus/Standard; Model or Step in Abaqus/Explicit  

Abaqus/CAE: Interaction module


Required parameter:


Use this parameter to choose the dimensionality of the damping coefficient that is specified on the data line. The only option that is available in an Abaqus/Standard analysis is DEFINITION=DAMPING COEFFICIENT.

Set DEFINITION=CRITICAL DAMPING FRACTION to use a unitless damping coefficient, B. The damping forces are calculated with , where m is the nodal mass, is the nodal contact stiffness (in units of ), and is the rate of relative elastic slip between the surfaces. A default value of B=0.03 is used for kinematic contact with softened behavior and penalty contact.

Set DEFINITION=DAMPING COEFFICIENT to specify damping in terms of a damping coefficient, C, with units of pressure per relative velocity such that the damping forces will be calculated with , where A is the nodal area and is the rate of relative elastic slip between the surfaces. If a contact area is not defined, such as may occur for node-based surfaces or for GAP- or ITT-type contact elements, coefficient units are force per relative velocity. For contact with three-dimensional beams or trusses, coefficient units are force per unit length per unit velocity.

Optional parameter:


Set this parameter equal to the tangential damping coefficient divided by the normal damping coefficient. This parameter affects only the tangential damping; the normal direction damping coefficient is defined on the data line below. Set this parameter equal to zero if no tangential damping is desired. The default is 0.0 in Abaqus/Standard and 1.0 in Abaqus/Explicit.

Data line to define viscous damping in the normal direction between the contacting surfaces: 

First (and only) line:

  1. Damping coefficient.

  2. The remaining data items are used only in Abaqus/Standard analyses. For Abaqus/Explicit damping is applied only when the surfaces are in contact, whereas for Abaqus/Standard damping is applied independent of the open/close state.

  3. Clearance at which the damping coefficient is zero, .

  4. Fraction of the clearance interval between zero clearance and over which the damping coefficient is constant, . The default is .