This option is used to define two sets of coefficients used in the ISO equation that predicts for frame elements with buckling strut response. For a user-defined buckling envelope it can be used only in conjunction with both the *FRAME SECTION, SECTION=PIPE, YIELD STRESS=
option and the *BUCKLING ENVELOPE option. For the default buckling envelope it can be used only in conjunction with the *FRAME SECTION, BUCKLING, SECTION=PIPE, YIELD STRESS=
option, with or without the PINNED parameter.
Product: Abaqus/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance
First (and only) data line:
Effective length factor in the first cross-section direction.
Effective length factor in the second cross-section direction.
Added length in the first cross-section direction.
Added length in the second cross-section direction.