This option is used to define the coefficients characterizing the buckling strut envelope for the buckling strut response of frame elements. It can be used in conjunction with the *FRAME SECTION, SECTION=PIPE, YIELD STRESS= option with or without the PINNED parameter.
Product: Abaqus/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance
First (and only) data line:
, coefficient defining
(default value 0.95).
, coefficient defining the isotropic hardening slope
(default value 0.02).
, coefficient defining
(default value 0.03).
, coefficient defining
(default value 0.004).
, coefficient defining compressive force for discontinuity in buckling envelope (default value 0.28).
, buckling envelope slope coefficient (default value 0.02).
, coefficient defining the force axis intercept point (default value
In the above data line A is the cross-section area, is a yield stress value, E is Young's modulus, L is the element length, D is the outer pipe diameter, and t is the pipe wall thickness.