The BackwardCompatibility object enables the user to control access to deprecated commands in the Abaqus Scripting Interface and to collect data on which deprecated commands have been used. This enables the user to check that no deprecated methods, members, or arguments have been used. Data are recorded on any deprecated members, methods, or arguments that are used.
The BackwardCompatibility object has no constructor. The abaqus module and the odbAccess module each have a member named backwardCompatibility.
By default, the value of the includeDeprecated member is ON, and Abaqus will execute a script containing deprecated commands with no indication that you should update the script. You can do either of the following to change the value of the includeDeprecated member and to determine which commands have been deprecated:
From the command line interface in Abaqus/CAE or from an Abaqus Scripting Interface script that is run from within Abaqus/CAE, use the following command:
From an Abaqus Scripting Interface script that is run using abaqus python at the system prompt, use the following two commands:
from odbAccess import * backwardCompatibility.setValues(includeDeprecated=OFF)
In addition, the BackwardCompatibility object provides tools to assist you in determining the deprecated commands that have been used. For example, to determine the deprecated commands used in the script, use the following commands:
backwardCompatibility.resetDeprecatedMethodsUsed() backwardCompatibility.resetDeprecatedMembersUsed() backwardCompatibility.resetDeprecatedArgsUsed() execfile('') print backwardCompatibility.getDeprecatedMethodsUsed() print backwardCompatibility.getDeprecatedMembersUsed() print backwardCompatibility.getDeprecatedArgsUsed()
This method returns a list of deprecated methods used since the last call to resetDeprecatedMethodsUsed.
Return value
A list of Strings.
This method returns a list of deprecated members used since the last call to resetDeprecatedMembersUsed.
Return value
A list of Strings.
This method returns a list of deprecated arguments used since the last call to resetDeprecatedArgsUsed.
Return value
A list of Strings.
This method clears the list of deprecated methods used.
Return value
This method clears the list of deprecated members used.
Return value
This method clears the list of deprecated arguments used.
Return value
This method modifies the BackwardCompatibility object.
Required arguments
Optional argument
A Boolean specifying whether deprecated members, methods, and arguments can be seen and used. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether a warning is displayed after running a script that contains deprecated commands. The default value is True.
A Boolean specifying whether the keys and indices are included in the report that is displayed when reportDeprecated is True. The default value is False.
Return value
The BackwardCompatibility object has the following members:
A Boolean specifying whether deprecated members, methods, and arguments can be seen and used. Possible values are ON and OFF. The default value is ON.
A Boolean specifying whether a warning is displayed after running a script that contains deprecated commands. The default value is True.
A Boolean specifying whether the keys and indices are included in the report that is displayed when reportDeprecated is True. The default value is False.