These functions execute Python commands or functions.
This function defines a function to be called when a specified Abaqus/CAE module is imported. You cannot specify a custom module.
For more information, see “An example of a callback function,” Section 6.8.3 of the Abaqus Scripting User's Guide.
Required arguments
A String specifying the name of a specified Abaqus/CAE module.
A Python function to be called. The interface definition of the callback function is :
def functionName(moduleName, userData)
moduleName is a String.
userData is the object passed as the userData argument to the addImportCallback method.
Optional argument
Any Python object or None. This object is passed to the callback function.
Return value
This function removes a callback added in addImportCallback.
Required arguments
A Python function to be called; it must be the same as the callback argument specified in the original call to addImportCallback.
Any Python object or None; it must be the same as the userData argument specified in the original call to addImportCallback.
Optional arguments
Return value