A MassScaling object defines the region and controls that govern mass scaling.
import step mdb.models[name].steps[name].massScaling[i]
The MassScaling object can have the following members:
A SymbolicConstant specifying the objective of the mass scaling definition. Possible values are SEMI_AUTOMATIC, AUTOMATIC, and REINITIALIZE. The default value is SEMI_AUTOMATIC.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether mass scaling should be performed at the beginning of the step or throughout the step. Possible values are AT_BEGINNING and THROUGHOUT_STEP.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of scaling. Possible values are UNIFORM, BELOW_MIN, SET_EQUAL_DT, and ROLLING. The default value is BELOW_MIN.
A Float specifying a scaling factor.
A Float specifying a target time increment.
An Int specifying the frequency at which mass scaling calculations are performed.
An Int specifying the number of intervals at which mass scaling calculations are performed.
A Float specifying the estimated average velocity of the workpiece in the rolling direction at steady-state conditions.
A Float specifying the average element length in the extruded direction.
An Int specifying the number of nodes in the cross-section of the workpiece.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the rolling direction. Possible values are GLOBAL_X, GLOBAL_Y, GLOBAL_Z, and GLOBAL_NONE. The default value is GLOBAL_X.
The SymbolicConstant MODEL or a Region object specifying where the mass scaling is applied. The default value is MODEL.