The SizingCyclicSymmetry object defines a sizing cyclic symmetry geometric restriction.
The SizingCyclicSymmetry object is derived from the GeometricRestriction object.
import optimization mdb.models[name].optimizationTasks[name].geometricRestrictions[name]
This method creates a SizingCyclicSymmetry object.
Required arguments
A String specifying the geometric restriction repository key.
A Region object specifying the region to which the geometric restriction is applied.
A Float specifying the translation distance.
Optional arguments
A SymbolicConstant specifying the translation direction defined along an axis positioned at the csys origin. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system. If csys=None, the global coordinate system is used. When this member is queried, it returns an Int. The default value is None.
A Boolean specifying whether to ignore frozen areas. The default value is OFF.
Return value
A SizingCyclicSymmetry object.
This method modifies the SizingCyclicSymmetry object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the SizingCyclicSymmetry method, except for the name argument.
Return value
The SizingCyclicSymmetry object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the SizingCyclicSymmetry method.