The HistoryOutput object contains the history output at a point for the specified variable.
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].historyRegions[name]\ .historyOutputs[name]
This method creates a HistoryOutput object.
Required arguments
A String specifying the output variable name.
A String specifying the output variable.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Only SCALAR is currently supported.
Optional argument
A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which invariants should be calculated for this field. Possible values are MAGNITUDE, MISES, TRESCA, PRESS, INV3, MAX_PRINCIPAL, MID_PRINCIPAL, and MIN_PRINCIPAL. The default value is an empty sequence.
Return value
A HistoryOutput object.
This method adds data to the data member of the HistoryOutput object.
Required arguments
A Double specifying the frame value. frame can be specified in step time, frequency, or mode number.
A Double specifying the value of the variable at the frame value specified in frame.
Optional arguments
Return value
This method adds data to the data member of the HistoryOutput object.
Required arguments
A sequence of Floats specifying the frame values. frame can be specified in step time, frequency, or mode number.
A sequence of Floats specifying the value of the variable at the frame values specified in frame.
Optional arguments
Return value
If the length of frame is not the same as the length of value a ValueError is raised.
This method adds data to the data member of the HistoryOutput object.
Required argument
A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying the pairs (frameValue, value) where frameValue is either time, frequency, or mode and value is the value of the specified variable at frameValue. (This value depends on the type of the variable.)
Optional arguments
Return value
The HistoryOutput object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the HistoryOutput method.
In addition, the HistoryOutput object has the following members:
A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the pairs (frameValue, value) where frameValue is either time, frequency, or mode and value is the value of the specified variable at frameValue. (This value depends on the type of the variable.)
A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the imaginary portion of a specified complex variable at each frame value (time, frequency, or mode). The pairs have the form (frameValue, value).