The ReferencePressure object stores the data for a fluid reference pressure load.
The ReferencePressure object is derived from the Load object.
import load mdb.models[name].loads[name]
This method creates a ReferencePressure object.
Required arguments
A String specifying the load repository key.
A String specifying the name of the step in which the load is created.
A Region specifying the point at which the reference pressure value is applied.
A Float specifying the reference pressure value.
Optional arguments
Return value
A ReferencePressure object.
This method modifies the data for an existing ReferencePressure object in the step where it is created.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the ReferencePressure method, except for the name and createStepName arguments.
Return value
This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ReferencePressure object in the specified step.
Required argument
A String specifying the name of the step in which the load is modified.
Optional argument
A Float specifying the reference pressure value.
Return value
The ReferencePressure object can have the following members:
A String specifying the load repository key.
A Region object specifying the region to which the load is applied.