The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object stores the propagating data for a ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConcentratedRadiationToAmbient object.
The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object has no constructor or methods.
The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object is derived from the InteractionState object.
import interaction mdb.models[name].steps[name].interactionStates[name]
The ConcentratedRadiationToAmbientState object has the following members:
A Float specifying the ambient temperature.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperature member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the ambientTemperatureAmp member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
A Float specifying the emissivity.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the emissivity member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
A Float specifying the area associated with the node where the concentrated radiation is applied.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the nodalArea member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
A String specifying the name of the Amplitude object that gives the variation of the ambient temperature with time.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the InteractionState object. Possible values are: