The MultipointConstraint object defines a constraint between a group of MultipointConstraint nodes located on a region and a reference point.
The MultipointConstraint object is derived from the Constraint object.
import interaction mdb.models[name].constraints[name]
This method creates a MultipointConstraint object.
Required arguments
A String specifying the constraint repository key.
A Region object specifying the surface on which the MultipointConstraint nodes are located.
A Region object specifying the constraint control point.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the MPC type of the constraint. Possible values are BEAM_MPC, ELBOW_MPC, PIN_MPC, LINK_MPC, TIE_MPC, and USER_MPC.
Optional arguments
None or a DatumCsys object specifying the initial orientation of the local coordinate system for the MultipointConstraint's degrees of freedom. If localCsys=None, the MultipointConstraint is defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
An Int specifying to differentiate between different constraint types in a user-defined MultipointConstraint. The default value is 0.
The userType argument applies only when mpcType=USER_MPC.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the mode of the constraint when it is user-defined. Possible values are DOF_MODE_MPC and NODE_MODE_MPC. The default value is DOF_MODE_MPC.
The userMode argument applies only when mpcType=USER_MPC.
Return value
A MultipointConstraint object.
This method modifies the MultipointConstraint object.
Required arguments
Optional arguments
The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the MultipointConstraint method, except for the name argument.
Return value
The MultipointConstraint object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the MultipointConstraint method.
In addition, the MultipointConstraint object has the following member:
A Boolean specifying whether the constraint is suppressed or not. The default value is OFF.