9.41 SubmodelBC object

The SubmodelBC object stores the data for a submodel boundary condition.

The SubmodelBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.

import load

9.41.1 SubmodelBC(...)

This method creates a SubmodelBC object.


Required arguments


A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.


A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.


A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.


A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied.


A String specifying the step in the global model from which Abaqus reads the values of the variables that will drive the submodel analysis. The String indicates the position of the step in the sequence of analysis steps. For example, globalStep='1' indicates the first step.


A Boolean specifying whether to scale the time variable for the driven nodes' amplitude functions to match the submodel analysis step time. The default value is OFF.


A Float specifying the thickness of the shell in the global model. This argument is required for shell-to-solid submodeling and is not applicable to other submodels. The default value is 0.0.

Optional arguments


A String specifying the element set in the global model that will be searched for elements whose responses will be used to drive the submodel. An empty string indicates that the entire global model will be searched. The default value is an empty string.


None or a Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.05.


None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys=None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.


An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step from which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. If globalIncrement=0, the solution from the last increment will be used. The globalIncrement argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps. The default value is 0.


A Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.

Return value

A SubmodelBC object.



9.41.2 setValues(...)

This method modifies the data for an existing SubmodelBC object in the step where it is created.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

The optional arguments to setValues are the same as the arguments to the SubmodelBC method, except for the name and createStepName arguments.

Return value




9.41.3 setValuesInStep(...)

This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SubmodelBC object in the specified step.

Required argument


A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.

Optional arguments


A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is ON.


A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied. The dof argument is applicable only if fixed=OFF.


A String specifying the step in the global model from which Abaqus reads the values of the variables that will drive the submodel analysis. The String indicates the position of the step in the sequence of analysis steps. For example, globalStep='1' indicates the first step. The globalStep argument is applicable only if fixed=OFF.


An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step at which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. If globalIncrement=0, the solution from the last increment will be used. The globalIncrement argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps and if fixed=OFF. The default value is 0.


A Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.

The centerZoneSize argument is applicable only if fixed=OFF.

Return value




9.41.4  Members

The SubmodelBC object can have the following members:


A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.


A Float specifying the thickness of the shell in the global model. This argument is required for shell-to-solid submodeling and is not applicable to other submodels. The default value is 0.0.


None or a Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is None.


None or a Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.05.


A String specifying the element set in the global model that will be searched for elements whose responses will be used to drive the submodel. An empty string indicates that the entire global model will be searched. The default value is an empty string.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.


A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.


None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys=None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.