The CaeKerPrefs object contains the details of the sessionOptions.
import caePrefsAccess caePrefsAccess.openSessionOptions(...)
This method saves the sessionOptions in the current fileName.
Required arguments
Optional argument
A Boolean specifying whether save a numbered backup copy of the preferences file, fileName. Default is True.
Return value
This method saves the sessionOptions to the specified location.
Required arguments
A String specifying the path to the preferences file.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the location of the preferences file. Possible values are:
The default value is HOME. Either fileName or directory must be supplied. The fileName or directory arguments are mutually exclusive.
CURRENT to open the preferences file in the current directory (caePrefsAccess.CURRENT)
HOME to open the preferences file in your home directory (caePrefsAccess.HOME)
Optional arguments
Return value